After falling in love with this dilapidated house, we decided to put down our travelling bags to renovate the building which was crumbling under the weight of time.
With the conviction that our lifestyles and approach to renovation strongly impact our health, it seemed important to us to choose environmentally friendly methods using natural resources.
We have redesigned the house from A to Z; having demolished everything from floor to ceiling we kept only the thick, load-bearing walls.
The stones were pitted to remove all traces of cement, plaster or lead paint which are often found in old houses that have been renovated over time. The ancient practices of building a habitat from natural materials have
survived the ages and have proven themselves. Today more than ever, we are rediscovering the benefits: both visually, in the beauty of an earth or lime coating and qualitatively, in the performance of hemp insulation and natural ventilation for exmple.